Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Second Week is Under Way

We have turned the corner on the first week in Berlin and are a couple of days into our second week. When people have asked how it feels being in Berlin, our answer has been, "let's wait until the second week because we've been here three separate times of one week each." Well, now we have to answer the question - it's incredible realizing where we are and how God brought us here.

We continue enjoying new experiences. Both of us now have been in Bible studies with others of our gender. Lucy attended an international women's study today. It was all in English, although Lucy has begun language instruction.
And last night we were part of a conversation group that consisted of English only and German only speakers, believers and a non-believer, employed and unemployed, with 4 countries represented.

Yesterday we found a very well-equipped music store which was near a great place to buy a bockwurst and broetchen (here's an opportunity to do some internet research:)
We have also experienced sore and tired feet and achy leg muscles (esp. our shins). We walk a lot every day so we can eat plenty of German pastry and not get fat! (it sounds good in my mind)
There are trams (Lucy rode alone for the first time today:) and buses and trains for traveling, but we can enjoy the neighborhood more by walking. On the other hand, it has rained almost every day.
Tonight is another mentoring opportunity for Dieter with a new believer.
There is a 30th birthday party for one of the leaders wives on Friday. It will be a dress up occasion. Birthdays a big celebrations here so there will probably be a lot of food:)
We are expecting one of Dieters cousins to attend the church service on Saturday, PTL.
One of the main goals for next week is to become official in Berlin. We'll keep you posted.
The Germanators are on our minds and hearts. We wouldn't be here without you.

1 comment:

Tammy C said...

Neat blog!!

Glad all is well with you for the first week.Have fun on your new adventure.I am sure it won't be as bad as our adventure to North Carolina has been.Chris is on his way baack to start his new job on the 12.

Official-sounds scary and exciting at the same time.