What an amazing few days! This past Saturday was the first time I presented the message for the service. It was in English, but challenging, since I would say a sentance or two then wait on the translator. I hope to preach in German in the future, after more improvement with my German language skills. But God blessed the evening (our services at Rock Berlin are on Saturday evenings) and we were blessed by the responses we saw and heard in the congregation.
Today was our appointment for our visas to remain in Germany. We had been warned that we will probably have to go more than once to the government offices. Also, as with Pastor Dave, the government will require Rock Berlin to run a wanted ad for 30 days to give nationals an opportunity to apply for the job that I am here to do. And the entire process would take weeks.
But, God had different plans. Florence Deppe, a Rock Berlin member, had meticulously prepared all the paperwork and was able to answer the government officials questions thoroughly. God also gave me an opportunity to talk with the official in German for a minute. She even joked that since I was born in Hamburg, I was an American Hamburger:)
The net result was that we left with our visas! No waiting, no want ads, just the visas. So Lucy and I are legal, finally. Praise God !
On the lighter side of German life, we finally have a pic of Dave and Sandy Lennander to share with you. They are the couple we are living with and whose apartment we will take over when they leave Jan. 22, 2008. They have served at Rock Berlin for almost 3 years. Then came with no German language knowledge and have done an amazing job. They helped the Rock reorganize and refocus and have helped the Rock become a very healthy church. Dave has been a pastor for over 25 years and his experience made a difference here. Praise God for them!
It's a SMART car.
Today was our appointment for our visas to remain in Germany. We had been warned that we will probably have to go more than once to the government offices. Also, as with Pastor Dave, the government will require Rock Berlin to run a wanted ad for 30 days to give nationals an opportunity to apply for the job that I am here to do. And the entire process would take weeks.
But, God had different plans. Florence Deppe, a Rock Berlin member, had meticulously prepared all the paperwork and was able to answer the government officials questions thoroughly. God also gave me an opportunity to talk with the official in German for a minute. She even joked that since I was born in Hamburg, I was an American Hamburger:)
The net result was that we left with our visas! No waiting, no want ads, just the visas. So Lucy and I are legal, finally. Praise God !
On the lighter side of German life, we finally have a pic of Dave and Sandy Lennander to share with you. They are the couple we are living with and whose apartment we will take over when they leave Jan. 22, 2008. They have served at Rock Berlin for almost 3 years. Then came with no German language knowledge and have done an amazing job. They helped the Rock reorganize and refocus and have helped the Rock become a very healthy church. Dave has been a pastor for over 25 years and his experience made a difference here. Praise God for them!
Here we are with the Lennanders around the Christmas tree in the apartment.
Also, for those of you that think you are good parallel parkers, check out this photo.
This is a normal parking scene in Berlin. It's also the reason we are glad for good public transportation. We haven't gone for a drivers license yet, we may reconsider. But, here is a car you need if you do drive.
Next blog will include something about recycling. Exciting isn't it?!:)
I hate to parralel so I would be relying on public transpotation.
Glad to hear the news about getting the visas so fast.
From the Lumina to a Smart car....I don't see it! :) If my brother can get around by car in Berlin, so can you. You can do it!
That really is a blessing to have Andreas on your side. He's a wiz when it comes to all that bureaucracy.
I loved not having a car, though it was nice to hit up Higgins for a ride in the van when I needed to visit Ikea. Having a bike helped too; check out ostrad. I bought a stevens commuter there and it was awesome.
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