At the end of last week we attended our first birthday party in Berlin. One of the wives from RB (Rock/Berlin) turned 30 and that's a good reason for a big bash. We played games and were able to meet more of the saints at the party. Instead of a birthday cake there was an ice cream bar. No complaints from us:) Germans love to meet to talk and eat.
After getting to bed around 1:30a.m. we arose Saturday morning in time to help one of the single woman at RB move into a new apartment. Lucy and I thought we were in good shape, but we were WRONG! There weren't many items - they all fit in a small truck. But, in Germany, apartments don't come with built-in closets so you have to buy a Schrank (closet). We were able to take the doors off and move the schrank in 3 big sections.
Another lesson, when counting floors in an apartment building you don't count the first level as 1st Floor. So when someone moves from the 3rd floor it's really the 4th. And when they say they are moving to the 4th floor, it's actually the 5th. Also, no elevators, only winding staircases.
The move only took two hours, but my legs were like rubber bands. I can wait another week before I join the gym. Lucy's legs are still sore.
The saints didn't want us to be bored (or rest too much) so they planned a Welcome Party for us after the Saturday service. There was, again, great food and desserts! And more new faces.
The woman that turned 30 and had the great birthday party found the time to make us the beautiful Welcome sign. Thank you Stephi.
We started becoming legal this week - we registered with the local authorities, so they know we are here and where we live. Another RB member, Flo Deppe, is working on our residency permit and on the application for a bank account. Then appointments have to be made in both cases. It good be a couple of weeks yet. Plus, I'll need a work visa, which will take a few months.
RB is preparing to say good-bye to three families that are heading back to the states over the next three months. The first, the Shafers, have been here for five years. They have been tremendous examples of servants for God. They have helped Germans come to the faith and to grow in their faith. And, of course, there will be a party for them Saturday after the service. Also, a brunch and the opportunity to move furniture that they aren't taking. We will benefit by receiving a few pieces of furniture. They only live on the 4th floor (5th) and we live on the the 1st (2nd). Plus we have a decent sized elevator:) I'll mention the other families in later blogs.
My cousins, Ralf and Peter Schlesiger, did not make the church service, but came on Sunday.
Ralf has been to the states often, but I haven't seen Peter in over 38 years. We had a great time roaming east and west Berlin by foot and double-decker bus. Lucy found a pool hall where we shared some laughs (because we stink at pool). We spent some time talking about the church in Germany and listened to what turned them away from church. They are interested in visiting RB sometime in the future. They live in Hamburg, my birthplace, which is a 3 hour train ride for us. It took them the same amount of time by car too. It was special visiting with family in Germany and sharing what great things God has done for us, Lk.8:39.
Sounds like you are truly settling in.I have to laugh about your moving story-now you know why I got sick after moving to Wake Forest!
By the way we getting used to having Chris back home.
Deiter & Lucy,
It's great to hear things are going fairly smooth. You are in our prayers and we are thinking about you both. Love from the Cards - PS, hooked up my moms computer tonight (your old one), she'll have internet access soon. Love you guys!!!! Brian Card
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