Monday, April 13, 2009

Wedding and Baby

Greetings from Berlin,
Sorry that we have not posted recently. We will try to do better. Since the last post, we attended our first German wedding. It was held in a chapel at a local monastary. It was also very interesting. The husband took the wifes name, which is more common here than perhaps in the states. The couple is Daniel and Nina Trebien. They were part of RB before we came, but we became acquainted after our arrival in Berlin.

In one corner of the sanctuary was a ceramic pig into which financial gifts and congratulatory notes were placed.
It was a beautiful wedding. There was a reception at the monastary and a more intimate time with their closest friends at a castle outside of Berlin.
Many RBers attended this celebration. Below is a picture of John and Stephi Goering and their newest child, Luke Emmanuel Goering. They are key leaders at RB and have been with RB through all the changes. We also had the privilege of dedicating Luke to the Lord.

This is a short post, but we will post again soon.
Thank you for your interest in this ministry.
Dieter and Lucy