Berlin Marathon
This marathon had about 40,000 runners from around the world. Steve Nelson, a missionary from the Ukraine, was an entrant and stayed with us before and after the marathon. Steve is in his 50's, but in great shape. This was his thirteenth marathon. Steve takes every opportunity to share his love for the Lord and this race was no exception.
Pastors Conference in Poland
We were in Poland for the first time at the beginning of October. The conference took place near the city of Krakow, which was the capital of Poland until the 1500's.
Steve and his wife also attended and we had dinner together in town on our free evening.

Bible Study
Lucy began a Beth Moore study group using the latest study, The Psalms of the Ascent.
The group consists of two singles and two marrieds. Countries represented are the states, Poland and Russia. But the language is, of course, English.
We are starting an English-speaking home group before Thanksgiving. It will have singles and married couples. Some of the Rock Berliners want to improve their English skills.
We wrote in our last Germanator email that Lucy was asked to be present at the birth of a Rock Berlin baby. Here is an introduction to Samuel Suwalla.