Before we celebrated Easter, we traveled to Bled, Slovenia for a Great Commission Europe staff retreat from March 16 to March 22. This retreat occurs yearly for spiritual, physical and emotional revival. For many of the people in the field, other missionaries have become their families and this retreat can be a family reunion. It is a very important time. We enjoyed the fellowship and wisdom of people who have been in the field for many years in countries such as Italy, Germany, Poland, Netherlands and the Ukraine. The organizers, Dave and Mindy Henson, did an incredible job serving approximately 50-60 missionaries, including a bunch of children.
While the adults were involved in seminars and teachings and music worship times, there was a staff of people to care for the younger children.
We were given plenty of free time to enjoy the beautiful surroundings; a lake, a castle, an island in the lake with a church, mountains, and much more. It was like looking at gorgeous postcards.
The food wasn't bad either. Fortunately, a two hour walk around the lake was enough to make room for the next delicious meal. Dieter also used some of the time to prepare his Easter message.

Here is the castle near the hotel.

Here are two missionaries by the lake with the church on the island in the background.
The weekend before this retreat we traveled to southern Germany to visit Dieter's relatives in two different locations. One visit was near Stuttgart and the second stop was in Singen on the border of Switzerland. This trip took about 8 hours via highspeed train, regional trains, local trains and buses. It was a traveling education with a few hiccups that stretched us. The relatives are still somewhat amazed that we moved to Germany, but they are pleased to have us this close.
We left on Thursday, March 6, and arrived back in Berlin on Monday, the 10th. We were not sure about being able to return to Berlin on time because of a threatened rail strike. Actually, before we left, the local streetcars, some trains and buses went on strike with the national trains threatening to strike. We thank the Lord that the strike was averted and we traveled back without delays.
Here is everybody except Lucy from the visit near
Stuttgart. The key person is on the right, one of Dieter's three
We'll include more pics in future blogs.
This past Saturday was Lucy's birthday and it was a working birthday. We arrived in Berlin after the staff retreat on Saturday, about 1 p.m. Lucy immediately went shopping to prepare for the potluck after the Easter service. She arrived at church before the service to help with food prep. At the end of the service everyone joined in to sing Happy Birthday to Lucy and another person. Then she helped with the potluck, serving and cleaning, until we arrived back at the apartment around 11 p.m. We stayed up until 1 a.m. getting ready for Easter Sunday. The alarm went off at 4 a.m. because we had a sunrise service at 5:45 a.m. Then, off to church to prepare for an 8 a.m. breakfast for 13 people. At ten, it was back to the apartment to prepare for a 1 p.m. dinner for four of the singles from church. Whew! Sunday night was spent Skyping with family. But we are home today because the Monday after Easter is a holiday in Germany.
The two Easter services were well attended, which was a pleasant surprise because most Germans travel to be with family for Easter. It was very cool to have 9 people attend the sunrise service at 5:45 a.m. in the cold and snow. We prayed, sang and had a short (very short) message.
Thank you for your part in making this first Easter in Berlin very special.
He is risen, He is risen indeed!